Why the NHL is Better than the NFL?
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When analyzing both competitions a clear question arises among fans. Is the NHL better than the NFL? In our opinion, we believe there are several reasons to believe that the NHL is much better than the NFL. Although both competitions have their differences, the NHL has 5 key points that make it better than the NFL.
For those who are not familiar with these competitions, we will quickly explain what each one is about. The NHL is the most important competition in ice hockey. On the other hand, the NHL is the most important American football competition in the world. Although both sports are different, the NHL competition offers many more things to fans than the NFL.
The 5 points in favor of the NHL
5. The Stanley Cup presentation
The champions NHL players are the first to receive the Stanley Cup when they win a championship. This makes the environment created between the players and the public a complete celebration for the victory of the championship.
The NFL, on the other hand, makes the awarding of the prize to the players become endless. As the president of the winning team and other people are the ones who first receives the award giving a brief speech, it reminds us in a moment of great joy that the NFL is about commerce.
4. The great sacrifice made by the NHL players
During the decisive games of the NHL we have repeatedly seen players who are injured take a pain reliever and return to the playing field. This does not happen in the NFL where players prefer to leave the field instead of staying to finish the game.
If you want to watch all the games of the NHL at any time and from any device, we recommend you watch the games on www.lmisport.com.
3. The endurance test of Stanley Cup
The Stanley Cup is one of the toughest competitions when it comes to endurance in the world. The playoffs last only 2 months, causing players to have virtually no rest between games. This calendar means that adrenaline is kept alive in every game.
The same does not happen in the NFL where the calendar gives players a great rest time between matches. This shows that competition is much lighter in terms of physical effort.
2. More Fun for fans
It is very common to see very uneven results in the Super Bowl. NFL teams seldom provide slow matches causing fans to get bored over the course of the game. This generates a big disappointment from the public who spend their time complaining about how bad the result of the match was.
In the NHL every championship final is extremely entertaining. After defining it, there are always great memories in the minds of fans. It is very rare to see in the NHL that a final end up being boring because one team was far superior to the other.
1. Post-match fights in the NFL
It has already become something common that after a definition of Super Bowl begin to appear discussions among the players of the teams. In addition, recently Gisele Bundchen, wife of Tom Brady, wrote a message on Twitter complaining about the poor performance of one of Tom’s teammates.
This does not happen in the NHL where players maintain professionalism during good and bad matches.